best kitchen tongs | Kitchen Tools

List of 7 Best Kitchen Tongs of 2020

  1. Bra Efficient Kitchen Clamp.

  2. Kitchen's clamps.

  3. Bows 606300.

  4. SelfTek Stainless Steel Tweezers 3 Piece Tweezers 6.3 Inch Tweezers.

  5. Henshaw Kitchen Tongs.

  6. Kitchen's clamps.

  7. Kitchen Tongs

Stainless steel Tong

The most common in gastronomy and home cooking and easy to handle. They are used to sauté vegetables with meats or pasta; seal and brown meats, fruits or vegetables (grilled or broiled); Take food out of a soup, cooking water, stew or stew, and roast peppers on the stove. They are usually very durable. The negative point is that they can be counterproductive, for example, when removing spaghetti from its cooking water. These are also not recommended for Teflon pans because they scratch and spoil them.

Silicone or plastic Tong

Similar to the first ones, but these are suitable for delicate pans and pots. They have the particularity that their tips and part of the handle are made of a plastic material, which does not affect the Teflon surfaces and allows a better grip. They are equally suitable for breakable foods like salads. With these and the previous ones, there is a problem in common: food pieces tend to get stuck inside.

Scissors Tong

Tweezers with a handle similar to that of scissors are handy. Unlike the previous ones, they are usually used cold, outside the flames, and almost always to serve some food. With them, you avoid taking any ingredient with your hands. They are not recommended for stoves because they require speed, and these hinder the process, having the fingers stuck in divisions. There are a few exceptions, like making sausages out of a hot pot and stuffing them into a bun, great for making hot dogs.

Pasta Tong

Variety, whose ends have a series of divisions, similar to those of a hair comb. They are ideal for handling long pasta when serving or taking them out of the water since it does not cut or pile them up. They do not help take other types of food since the handle is short, and the stretch marks can break some ingredients.

They are common in establishments selling donuts, sweets, or gummies.

Grills Tong

There is a particular type of tongs or tongs for cooking on the grill. Its science lies in its length, elongated so that the cook can be away from the heat so that he does not get dirty or risk burning himself. Also, they have small grooves that help to grip the piece of meat well. Traditional stainless steel is available in similar sizes and serves the same purpose.

Spoon and fork Tong

The ends of these forceps are different, one in the shape of a spoon (round and deep), and the other has two or more points, like a fork. There are them with a uniform handle or with a scissors handle. They are for salads, as they help to grip the ingredients together with their dressing. To pass pieces of meat that have been sliced, they are ideal in the case of the black roast. While each piece is transferred to the plate, the pressure is applied with the fork's part on the part of the spoon, which collects the sauce at once It is even suitable for long thick pasta.

Ice Tong

They only take the opportunity to have ice cubes. Its ends are like those of the old video game store machines' pliers, where in exchange for a coin, you could try to catch a stuffed animal. They rarely took one of these toys, as they were not significant. Something like this happens with ice tongs, they are for that, and that's it. However, with others, you can catch ice.

pastry or bakery Tong

These are for handling products and are sometimes just decoration. The most popular ones have rectangular or oyster-shaped ends. They accompany breadbaskets or dessert tables, snacks, and chocolates.

Plating Tong

Many cooks have dedicated small tongs for delicate dishes. With these, for example, little shoots are attached to place them at a specific point on the plate.

Fishbones Tong

Finally, there is an instrument whose name is more than explicit. It is small, with the tips flattened and straight to remove the fish's bones that are too deep in the skin. They resemble a nail clipper, only that they do not cut, but they grip with force. Every cook should have at least most of these tongs at home. They are indeed an ally when it comes to practicing culinary art.


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