meater wireless meat thermometer | Top Kitchen tools

Overview: Meater

This wireless meat thermometer pings your telephone once the rib eye has attained perfection.






A wireless thermometer declutters cooking. The two-in-one probe monitors internal meat temperature and (more or less) the ambient temperature inside your grill or toaster.


Connectivity options require more contortions (possibly including an additional smart device) than you may be willing to put up. The internal probe has a surprisingly low tolerance for high heat. No base station means you have to fire up your phone to understand the temperature of everything you are cooking.

If it was up to me, my ideal grill could be one that could capably cook low and slow and also be able to turn on the jets to get a hard, quick sear. There would be a nice-sized table next to it and a distance for my tools. The icing on the cake will be a temperature controller. For this, I'd want a little base station attached to some two-probe thermometer so I could monitor both the air temperature just above the grill grates and the internal temperature of the meat, together with the data from the vented out on a graph so that I could know what was cooking.

That whole thermometer thing looks a little too much for you? Consider reconsidering. Thermometers, incredibly modern digital thermometers, would be the most crucial grill accessory you can own. Don't you love to fish at the stage before translucence, your pork chop slightly pink at the middle, your lamb rosy, along with your brisket luscious? The only means to do it all consistently is using a thermometer. Some folks say that they could poke a steak with a finger and know if it is done, but I am not among them. Those people aren't always accurate. It might seem absurd, but I've been known to use thermometers on sausages because they taste better when they're cooked just perfectly. Not only do thermometers save expensive food from an overcooked fate, but you also get compliments as soon as your food is cooked perfectly.

Amazingly, that dream temperature setup I wished for exists, and I have it. It is not relatively as isolated and slick as I'd like, but it is close enough. My $99 ThermoWorks Smoke includes two probes in the conclusion of long wires, a massive base station with temperature readouts, plus a radio frequency remote so you can monitor the temperature of a lengthy cook while you mow the lawn. With the addition of the company's $89 Smoke Gateway accessory, you can view everything on your phone and get a time-temperature readout for each probe. Weber's $100 iGrill two has similar (though less powerful ) capabilities. Still, they are equally powerful tactics to understand what's going on inside your grill or oven, and therefore are essential tools that can help you become a better cook.


Fresh on the scene would be the Meater, a $69 temperature probe that arrives in a small bamboo box, which is also the charger. Though the Smoke and iGrill base channels are connected to the search with cables, the Meater's distinguishing innovation is the fact that it is wireless. It looks like a bespoke, five-inch, stainless-steel blow dart.

It's pretty easy to guess how it works: the pointy end goes from the meat, and it connects via Bluetooth using an app on your phone. What's pleasantly surprising is that there's a second temperature sensor in the exposed end, which tells you the air temperature outside of whatever you're cooking. Tell Meater's program that you are grilling a chicken breast, and it may say to you the inner temperature of the chicken and the air temperature in the grill, then crunch some numbers and forecast if the meals are going to be finished.

On paper, it's pretty slick, but I had some reservations. Although some people do not head that connected kitchen devices pass things like controllers and readouts entirely to the program, I can not stand it. App connectivity and antiques ought to be a perk, not a necessity for a thermometer's fundamental functions; If I'm back grilling, I wish to concentrate on what I am cooking or have a beer with friends, maybe not fiddle around with, or be diverted, my mobile phone.

Nevertheless, I started analyzing the Meater, and it worked reasonably well! I left thick pork chops, and they arrived off the grill with this ideal pinkness at the center. The estimated time staying displayed on the program was pretty helpful, along with the program can guide you to pull off the meat only a bit earlier than you could otherwise, permitting the built-up heat in the cut to bring the internal temperature to the finish line, aka"carryover cooking." My brother-in-law Ben was amazed by these attributes, and as somebody who's used to temperature probes after wires, I liked how maneuverable the meat had been without them. Much like the iGrill two and the Smoke Gateway, the time-temperature charts Meater's app created were useful in knowing what was happening as I cooked.

While my ThermoWorks probe could withstand temperatures from -58 to 572 degrees Fahrenheit, the Meater is much more fragile.

Things went a little sideways, though, when I tried to make brisket. I didn't have --a time commitment many briskets require--but I found a lovely-sounding recipe that called for a wet roast in the design of Michael Ruhlman's fantastic Thanksgiving turkey. Here, the Meater has been of limited use. It monitored only the internal temperature as this brisket cooks under a foil wrap, meaning that the weather under the foil was not representative of their oven temperature. I just ignored the ambient sensor reading.

Cooking this recipe caused two issues. First, I got a warning message at 209 degrees Fahrenheit saying that the brisket's internal temperature has been"above safe level," which I need to"remove from heat immediately to avoid damaging the item."

Which "product?" Brisket in this technique is a long, late cook that can get hotter than 200 degrees Fahrenheit, not ideally, but it's not out of the question, especially if you're waiting for the more challenging sections of the brisket to become fork tender.

While my ThermoWorks probe could withstand temperatures from -58 to 572 degrees Fahrenheit, the Meater is much more delicate.

I double-checked with a business rep, inquiring if the internal probe could break if exposed to temperatures more than 212 degrees for more than 10 minutes.

"Correct," came the response.

Yikes. That is restricting over the life span of a thermometer. At some point, you're going to mess up, and 212 levels is a shallow bar.

Making this meal also revealed how restrictive it's to have the ambient probe attached to (and right next to) the internal investigation. At first glance, it seemed exceedingly bright--just two searches in a single! --but in practice that the arrangement requires a lot of workarounds.

The Master team has also run into a version of the issue, referring in its FAQs to the"cool atmosphere bubble" around larger pieces of meat in an oven or on the grill. In short, the meat you are cooking is more relaxed than the range it is cooking in, making a"bubble" of cold air around it. Using another probe, this is not an issue. Still, for the Meater--particularly for more significant cuts with much more thermal mass--you have to figure out probe placement that gets to the core of the beef but retains the ambient temperature sensor the recommended two inches in the meals.

Plus, if I'm going to use a probe of some sort to tell me that the temperature within my oven or grill, I want to know that information before I place my meat inside Meater does not offer that possibility.

Fuss! Fuss! Fuss! I used the low-and-slow method, cooking it over indirect heat until the internal temperature came up to a little past rare, pulled it off the heat, cranked the grill, and allowed the grates to get screaming hot, then seared the meat's exterior. The process worked pretty well as long as I did not stray too much --12 feet and a wall were too much for Meater's Bluetooth, but the ThermoWorks Smoke's radio remote had no difficulty with this. The lamb was fantastic.

Since we are here, let's keep talking about the connection. To connect the program to the probe, you use Bluetooth--which is relatively slick considering how tiny the installation is. If you'd like a little more range and purchased one probe version (its only product currently on the market), Meater suggests connecting throughout the cloud by using a second smart device, which you would then leave close to your toaster or grill. Great grief! Or you could await the launch of the $269 Meater Block using its four probes and both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth options. (Considering the Meater's delay-laden production history, however, you might wish to hold off before the Block is formally in the marketplace.)

Did you keep up with all that connection stuff? It is a lot to maintain on your head. Still, certain wireless-ness is that important?

The more I used it, the more the Meater felt like an outlier. It might do some essential functions well, and I enjoyed the predictive doneness timer. I also appreciated the time/temperature chart that the program developed, but other problems required contortive workarounds. The"two-probes-in-one" thought was nice until it was not, and its value plummeted once I compared it to what I already had.

Was I to peer into a crystal ball and divine the future of the Meater, I envision the company will untangle that connectivity thicket or deliver the Meater Block's Wi-Fi functionality to the individual probe. Maybe the company will be bought by a grill maker looking to expand its capacities, or you are also looking to incorporate a thermostat to help keep grill temps steady. That would be wonderful.

Until then, though, the occasional tangle of ThermoWorks or even grill cables isn't an issue large enough to need a solution. It may not be an issue in any way.

Food writer Joe Ray (@joe_diner) is a Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of Year, a restaurant critic, and writer of"Sea and Smoke" with chef Blaine Wetzel.
